- RESEARCH PROJECTS – SCIENCE AND DANCE – Cognitive Neuroscience and Movement Studies.
Exploring joint paths of cooperation between cognitive science and choreography creation.
Mental tasks / choreography / brain activity.
¨I try to dig deeper into how a decision to move is made by the dancer from different tasks to be solved. I investigate neural mechanisms, cognition and the possibilities of developing methods for generating movement, choreography and for training dancers nowadays.¨ Eva Sanchez Martz.
I aim to use motion capture and analysis systems based on inertial technology allow to get 3D kinematics data in any kind of environment and under any circumstance. Inertial sensors are able to acquire from the most insignificant movements to high speed movements made by the human body. The systems MVN BIOMECH of our partner XSENS guarantee very accurate and reliable human motion measurements. You can find more information about this technology here https://www.biomech-solutions.com/
- Compañía Nacional de Danza de España – Danza y neurociencia – El pensamiento coreográfico Bailarines: Isaac Montllor, Alessandro Riga / Eva Sánchez Martz – Directora del proyecto / Borja Manero Iglesias- Director de investigación / Alejandro Romero Hernández- Responsable técnico / Lara Marín Cerrato – Animadora de Motion Capture Departamento de ingeniería del software e inteligencia artificial / Fotografía: Alba Muriel.
Soma aims to be a bridge in between science and art languages. It is a choreographic piece based on cognitve tools and applies principals of the latests movement research milestone.