An interdisciplinary work that brings together researchers form fields such as cognitive science, software development and DANCE. Exploring movement patterns and behaviour while creating choreography, Eva Martz and Andoni Larrabeiti are presenting these new work open o all kind of audiences.
ART, coming into focus of the software engineering and cognitive sciences turns but to be a fascinating area of study. This proposal aims to share the latest milestone in dance & technology research area showing a real motion/data capture from a live dance performance, a crafted choreographic work based on cognitive methodology and also to bringing the knowledge of our studies closer to the general audience through an interactive workshop.
Dance involves sharing ideas, feelings and intentions. The exchange of information in dance is often ambiguous and open to multiple interpretations, depends on the ability to perceive, understand, and express through movement. The use of motion capture and analysis systems based on inertial technology to study the movement allow to get 3D kinematics data in any kind of environment and under almost any circumstance. Inertial sensors are able to acquire from the most insignificant movements to high-speed movements made by the human body and though to study the qualities of movement in a very precise way. From this departure point, how to translate these data into meaningful tools for choreographers, artistic directors and dancers is our main purpose.
Soma is the very first choreographic piece totally based in cognitive tools gather from our latest scientific achievement. Soma is the raw showing of how science enrinchs the art scene filling it up with knowlegde unapproachable in the past. It is a clear and outstanding conversantion in between very different fields sharing one only focus, to impulse DANCE as an art expression.