Eva, as choreographer, scene director and dance instructor, is seeking for projects and ideas that will test her professional abilities and work capacity. Eva is aiming to enhance her skills whilst sharing her knowledge. Modern dance, acrobatics, interpretative motion, artistic techniques and expression…Motion creation is an innovative/ unique/ especial approach to the art of choreography. Designed as a tool applicable to any audiovisual field, it makes dance available to other arts. scenarios

TEASER “Prelude” – MCDC from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

Rehearsals MCDC 2015 from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

“Behind The Scenes With Shakira”

“Behind The Scenes With Shakira” from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

OYSHO Campaing

Oysho Studio & Martz Contemporary Dance Company from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

Martz Contemporary Dance Company

Teaser – ¨What is left¨ from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

Martz Contemporary Dance Company from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

L´Oreal Madrid 2014

L´Oreal Madrid 2014. Eva Sánchez Martz tech rehearsals. from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

II Stage Promo from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

IIStage. Rehearsals, spainsh cast. Week 2. from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

II Stage Photo Shooting

II Stage. Eva Sánchez Martz. Making of del Shooting con Angie Bankhead. from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

Dance and Shadows

Dance and Shadow show Eva Martz from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

Compradores de Sueños


NU by Eva Martz from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

Picasso Dance Show

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