MARTZ Contemporary Dance Company


Martz Contemporary Dance Company creates dance through experimental studies of movement. It performs the task of elaborating unique pieces which are transformed by the dancers in a different way each time it is presented. The Martz Contemporary Dance Company stands for truth and honesty in the stories that are told from the soul, and creep into the awareness of the public.

Our mission is to create noise in the dance world using the choreographic style of Eva Martz. We aim to inspire thought and reflection on subjects that may not have received this treatment otherwise.
We want to unit dancers in a supported environment and get to know them, their movement and their most important issues.

MCDC Photography by Jesús Coínes Suñé

From September 2014, Martz Contemporary Dance Company resides in the Institute of the Arts Barcelona . With a number of dance studios, offices, a theatre and incredible support from the faculty and students, this season, Martz Contemporary Dance Company is able to rehearse religiously producing incomparable pieces.


Join our FB Fan page to know more about us!

Rehearsals MCDC 2015 from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

MartsCDC pas de deux Sara Colomino & Chema Zamora from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

Teaser – ¨What is left¨ from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

MCDC Workshop / World Dance Movement 2015 / Institute of the arts Barcelona from Eva Sanchez Martz on Vimeo.

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